Happy Autumn Equinox! The Autumn 2024 issue of Genki Life Magazine is now live!
Kiyo: Featured Cosplay Profile
Arafō Otoko no Isekai Tsūhan Seikatsu
Shinmai Ossan Bōkensha, Saikyō Party ni Shinu Hodo Kitaerarete Muteki ni Naru
Shogakukan Cuts Ties To Western Publishers to Self-Publish Light Novels
Link: https://www.yumpu.com/s/QtV1baCFTc0oimU5
Please enjoy and pass it along!
#anime #cosplay #manga #conventions #otaku #videogames #animecosplay #fallanime #lightnovel #genkilifemag #animelosangeles #animela #tigerconvention #tigercon #acgfest #epicacgfest #yamacon #arafotsuhan #アラフォー通販 #Around40OtokonoIsekaiTsuuhanSeikatsu #shinmaiossan #新米オッサン #TheOssanNewbieAdventurer #Shogakukan #小学館 #animedomains #kitsugiglobal
Moving site to our main secure server. We have been receiving notice about issues with SSL certificate, so we moved the main site.
While the "old" address with remain the same, it will redirect to the main server at:
Also…we redesigned the website. I hope you guys like it.
We always been uncompromising about going live with the magazine one the actual, official first day of each new season, with the couple exceptions when events were out of our control.
Starting with issue 58, when the official start of the season falls on a weekend or holiday, the magazine street state will be shifted to the following Monday.
We added a new, shorted URL to the website
This will also be updated on our Facebook page.
The Winter 2025 issue of Genki Life Magazine is now live!
Kujonin (Exterminator)
Maō-sama, Retry R
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Press Releases
Link: https://www.yumpu.com/s/H0SvGid9VRwul751
Please enjoy and pass it along!
#anime #cosplay #manga #Conventions #otaku #videogames #animecosplay #winteranime #lightnovel #genkilifemag #RoktheReaper #animelosangeles #animela #ala2025 #animela2025 #causeacon #CauseaCon2025 #IsekaiAnimeCon2025 #DANDADAN #ダンダダン #kujonin #駆除人 #魔王様リトライR #まおリト #魔王様リトライ #maousama #FF7 #FF7R #FF7リバース #animedomains #kitsugiglobal
I had a long delay in getting these photos from Animé Los Angeles processed, but they're finally up.
For any cosplayers interested in recieveing originals, please DM me.