Genki Life Magazine
Anime Expo 2008 Day 3 
Tuesday, July 8, 2008, 00:37 - Travel
Posted by Star Ocean
The day start out by looking for breakfast. We went over the the CitiNational building for Carl’s, but it was closed. Next, back to the Bonaventure for Subway. It was closed too. Well, damn, the sign said it opens 7 AM for breakfast. It was already almost 9 and sill not open! We had too many plans today and not enough time. So we skipped breakfast.

So back in the convention center, we split up. Adrian and I went to the Robotech panel. Lawrence, Tim and Francis, we to another guest panel. We decided to grab a bite to eat inside the convention center cafe, but it was still early and wasn’t open yet. So with nothing else to do, you guessed it, we went in the Robotech panel. I had other things in mind since it was a hour wait, but “oh well.” But it was cool though. If I hadn’t got in line, I wouldn’t have met up with an old friend of mine, Craig Spurlock. We met over ten years ago at AX when AX was fun. We both shared the same enthusiasm for videotaping. We hadn’t seen each other for a couple years now, so we reminisced about past AXs, how fun they are and how strict they became. That’s funny because AX made the claim this year that it wanted so share memories with the fans (from AX TV), but with a lot of restrictions. Yeah, that’s the memory I have! Anyway, back to the Robotech panel. Tommy Yune hosted the panel and was the same as the panel he hosted in AOD. The new info are about the new toys coming out and that they finally had a writer (of Empire Strikes Back and Raiders of the Lost Ark fame) for the Robotech movie. I forgot his name though.

After the panel, Adrian and I finally ate the convention cafe for breakfast. Again...highway robbery! $16 for two, I said two, sandwiches! And they were smaller that Subway! That’s funny because I finally realized that at this AX, nobody in the exhibit hall was was selling Japanese snacks. I had a small chat with Peter Payne of J-List about this the other day because I asked him if they had any snacks to sell. He said, to paraphrase, they would be kicked out. So damn, another kick in the groin by AX. I hope I’m not the only one who saw that. Oh yeah, they did sell Ramune at the convention sanctioned cafe, but at $4 a pop! That’s a case already of Ramune.

We again roamed around the dealers hall to kill time again. We were waiting for the guys but their panel ran longer than expected from what I could remember. Actually details for this day are a little sketchy. But the dealers hall is always a good place to kill time. So we took more pictures today than the last two days combined. We finally met up again. On the way to the bus stop (the shuttle service), there was this dude checking every badge for the shuttle symbol. Now that's a first. For the last two days, nobody seemsed to care whether or not a badge had the stamp to use the bus. But now there was this a@#($$# checking eveyone if they’re supposed to use the system or not. Adrian and I weren’t worried, but the others didn’t have the stamp. Damn it was drama.

So the split up and get back to hotel to plan some more. We took the bus and the others took the Dash back to the hotel. Adrian and I got the hotel first. And for some damn reason I was really stressed out with the situation. It’s a good thing that I asked the bus driver where to get the badges stamped. Finally, someone connected with AX who actually knew something! So my stress levels went down. But not too soon after, the guys arrived. I told them the situation and everything was cool. So the plan, the guys to get their badges stamped and Adrian and I to get in line for Masquerade tickets. That was a quick regrouping at the hotel. We freshened up and ate a quick dinner at the cheap restaurants in the hotel. But time was short. We had to get back by six, before registration closes. Adrian and I headed out first to the convention center. I found out by asking the bus driver that anyone with a badge could go back to convention center, but not back. So I called up Tim and the guys and told them not to use the Dash to get back, but the bus.

At the convention center, Adrian and I got in line for the Masquerade tickets. was advertised on AX TV that there will be no lines. Yeah, right! This was longest line we ever waited at AX this time around, one and a half hours. We totally wasted time again. Dammit, I hate lines! And besides...there were a bunch of obnoxious guys behind us in line. It was hot also! So it added to the aggravation. The only thing that kept me sane were these two “hot ass” chicks in line further back that I’d sneak a peek at on occasion. That’s right! That did it for me. But in a way, I was upset that we didn’t go to any cosplay gatherings. So an hour and half later, we got our tickets. guessed it! The dealers hall. We just can’t get enough of it! We had an hour before the start of the masquerade and the guys were at some panel again. And again, I’m at loss with the details. Well, I was about to do a video round at the exhibit hall when I saw that the camera battery was running low. We went back to the hotel to grab the other batter and freshen up. Yeah, it was hot in that line and I forgot my deo this morning. And going back to the hotel was a gamble also. I didn’t know if we were allowed to videotape the Masquerade. The security was “wishy-washy” with their policies from day to day, event to event. Security at the front had a different memo from the people inside. Anyway, that was quickest round trip we did. It was fifteen minutes before the masquerade and the guys were finishing up with the signing panel. We were already at the Nokia waiting for them. Tim and the guys arrived. Thankfully this time, it started late. The other events up to now all started on time, to our surprise. Oh yeah, I forgot the Opening Ceremonies was 30 minutes late.

Honestly, I could say that this year’s Masquerade went smooth. It also was the shortest Masquerade in over a decade. Also the technical aspects of the event was a lot better. Probably because they got help from the Nokia staff. Also we were told that there was no videotaping allowed and that security wouldn’t let my tripod in. But luckily the guy who examined my tripod gave me an OK to take it in. There were other people inside of the Nokia taping, so we decided to tape too. So good thing I took that gamble to go back to the hotel to get the spare battery.

At the end of the Masquerade, we went back to the convention center. Francis had to leave because he had a ride home. There was nothing to do, so we wandered around. We relaxed a bit at West Hall, by the dance rooms. Adrian was about to videotape some of the same, by that plan was shot down. We also decided that since tomorrows schedule was going to be tight, we’d eat a late dinner and totally skip breakfast. So with that, we went back to the hotel to eat dinner at that cheap Chinese restaurant.

On the way up to the room, I decided to take a different tower elevator. Luckily we did. We met some people and everyone on that particular elevator was invited to a room party. Cool. Who could pass up an invite like that...hmm...a total otaku would! Anyway, we got back to the room and freshened up a little for the party. Tim though we we’re joking because he got separated and took another elevator. And just like any otaku, we were indecisive about going.

We were going to bring our remaining beers to the party. So we went. Adrian stayed. Ok, we went up to their floor, room number withheld, but got a little nervous and went back to our room. It’s because of the Tim said earlier. But in my mind, we’d be just like the stereotypical hikikomori and/or anti-social otaku you see in anime all the time. So f*&% it! We went back to the party. It was a n excellent drinking party. There were a lot of people there, well, enough to fit in a suite. After the fifth drink, details got a lot sketchy. But from what I remember of the party, I had a blast and met a lot of people. I’m so glad I came to the party to break the stereotype and the turmoil of the convention. Too bad Tim and Lawrence didn’t loosened up. They could’ve got hooked up. I was wasted after the party. I think I killed a few brain cells. From what they guys told me, I crashed right away.
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