Genki Life Magazine
Fatal Error 
Friday, September 26, 2008, 08:54 - Announcements
Posted by Administrator

This week, between work, school, family and other responsibilities, I finally have some time to update my Media Collection, Figure Collection and Figure Sets sections. BUT...BUT, I MADE A FATAL ERROR! ARGHHH! Last month, I decided to wipe out the hard drive on my MacBook and re-install the OS because it's been overdue for half a year now. Yes, re-installation is good maintenance for any computer to clean out all the stuff that accumulates over time. I recommend at least one to two years for Macs. And every six months for Windows. Sorry windows, but you're more vulnerable than Macs.

But anyway, I did back up the hard drive. I didn't realize it until this early morning that I ACCIDENTLY WIPED OUT all my catalog data! I completely forgot about the copy on the backup. So this weekend, I'm going to sort out everything again and now, hopefully, update the site next weekend.
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