Genki Life Magazine
Anime Expo 2009 - The Last Day 
Wednesday, July 8, 2009, 15:20 - Travel
Posted by Star Ocean
And finally, the day arrives. Just like any other day, I wake up the usual time early in the morning. I’m surprised that nobody is aware yet. We did kinda stayed up a little bit last night to finish up most of the food we had left over, but it was too much. There were some people running up and down the floors play zombie tag which we met. We gave them the leftover food we had. But anyway, I woke up to get ready, pack up and make the most of our last day. We had one and a half more hours left. We had to check out by 11:30 to make it to the station to head back home. When I was about to head over to the convention center, Joe woke up and got ready, so he came with me.

At the convention center, we walked around and took more cosplayer pictures. By 9:00 there was voice acting panel that we decided to go to. We stayed there for a bit. There were sever demonstrations on how voice acting was done. It was cool. Joe was already waiting for his cousin to cover over to AX. So when his cousin came over, we met up with him and his son. We took them to registration which was done rather quickly as opposed to the two and a half hour wait we four went though the day before the first. After that, the first order of business was to head to the exhibit hall. There was already a very long line, but since it was already 10, everyone was going in already. We met the rest of the guys in line. There were news changes to plan to return home. Joe talked his cousin, Mike, into giving us a ride home since he lived in Moreno Valley, too.

At 11:30, we all headed back to the hotel to grab our gear because it was time to check out. On the way back to the convention center, we took all our gear and loaded up Mike’s SUV with our gear. Lawrence was to get a ride from his cousin in Long Beach to he check in his gear at baggage check. So back to the exhibit hall.

There was really nothing much to do in the exhibit hall. So we all split up to do last minute shopping and taking more pictures. Now that we were able to stay longer, we killed two hours in the exhibit hall until about 2:30. At this time, we all got in line for the Gundum 00 focus panel. Honestly, I didn’t get past episode one of this series. The panel was going to give spoilers on the rest of first season and a lot of the season. We left. Appearenlty, four of us didn’t see most of the series too. So that was it. We waited for Joe and Mike to finish the panel and went home. Oh the drama......
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Anime Expo 2009 - Day 3 
Wednesday, July 8, 2009, 15:12 - Travel
Posted by Star Ocean
For some reason, today was the resting day from all the madness. We started of kind-of late, if you consider making up about six and leaving the room about 8:30. I could’ve sworn I with girls, just because everyone took so long to get ready. The first order was to get breakfast. We came again to the all important conclusion to eat at Carl’s. It was closed still. So we remembered that there was a Subway in the hotel. That’s where we ate. It’s a good change from eating ramen and hot dogs day after day after day.

There was no serious plan to do anything once we got to the convention center. All there was was the exhibit hall again. When we got there, there was already a line that snaked out to the other side of the convention center. Whew! We didn’t get in that line. We stayed out of the crowd for a bit like hikkomoris (Japanese for “recluse” people). After doing that for a while, we remembered that there was a panel for the Blaze Blue and Guilty Gear panel that was about to start. Again!!! I mean again! We were late and the room was filled to the max. Stupefied, three of us went back to the exhibit hall. Adrian got in line to Morning Musume’s autograph session. Lawrence went to the Blaze Blue creator’s autograph session. I had a chance to finally buy some merchandise and gifts for various friends of mine.

It was about time for the Power Rangers’ panel to begin. According to the plan earlier, we were all to meet at this panel if we got separated. But by accident, three of us got together to head for the panel. Lawrence and Adrian followed soon enough. I was not a fan of the Power Rangers because when they first aired in the early 90s. Then, I though the show was so cheesy and so poorly produced, I turned it off at first sight. When the panel began and when the actors came in, there was a huge welcoming roar from the audience. It was actually an excellent panel and was glad to be there. But from being tired, I kinda dozed off a bit on occasion.

When the first part of the panel was over and before the beginning of the second half, Tim, Joe and I went back to the hotel to drop off the stuff we bought and to refresh ourselves. I just wanted to change out of my yakuza clothes into something more normal. It was a short break.

Back at the convention center, we went back to the exhibit hall to kill time before going to masquerade. The three of us split up again: Joe to go get in line for the Power Rangers’ autographs, Tim to get more video footage, and me just looking–if you know what I mean? Afterwards, Tim got in line also to get the Power Rangers’ autographs. Adrian and Lawrence grouped up with us again. At this time, I got a call from Lorraine, an old friend mine. Yesterday, we made a date to do something tonight.

So I left the guys to fend for themselves while I made a b-line back to the hotel where Lorraine was going to meet me. What we were going to do was what I hadn’t had in mind. Instead I spent a Fourth of July barbeque with her and her family. It was great to finally eat “real” food after eating junk food for so many days. I feel like I’m getting my strength back instead of feeling groggy for the most part. It was really great to see her again after so many years. I’m glad we had this reunion and to catch up with each other. Later on that night, we drove me back to the hotel. They guys are still at the convention center.
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