Genki Life Magazine
Orange County Japan Fair 2010 
Monday, September 27, 2010, 18:41 - Travel
Posted by Star Ocean

Again it was one of those events we were hesitant to go to. The main reason, it was only one day. And that one day is Sunday. I’m usually busy on Sundays doing other things and to prepare for the coming week. And a couple day before, I sprained by back doing some work at home. So I had only little enthusiasm to go, much less spend money. So we didn’t decide to go until late Saturday night. My cousin Richard wanted to go so I though he informed everyone. It became his gig.

Sunday morning, he came to pick me up then we picked up Lawrence. I figured everyone else was busy doing other things because they didn’t go. The plan was to leave at 8, but we wound up leaving around 10. We got the Irvine Great Park around 11 and it was already in the high 80s. It was hitting a wall of heat when we got out of the car. Then again, we were directed to park somewhat far from the entrance because there was another even going on close by. The walk to the entrance to the fair was “like the Bataan Death March,” I commented. I knew it was a totally irresponsible comment I made considering the event and the situation, but it was already so damn hot and we were walking through dead grass and dying trees.


We got our tickets. Unbeknownst to me, the promo card that I got from Nisei Week for the OC Japan Fair was for two free tickets instead of one. So I basically paid for myself while Richard and Lawrence got in for free. Hell, it was only five bucks. When we entered the Fair, it looked somewhat empty. The stands were set up in the traditional Japanese fashion, side-by side along the sides of the fair. Product sales were closer to the entrance, while going further toward the back were the food stands. I was expecting a temple at the end, but instead was a stage for the events and performances. Oh, did I fail to mention that it was almost unbearably hot. There were more people than places to sit, relax and dine. And most and foremost, there was no shade! Did I mention it was hot!


Anyway, we made to past the many competing food stands to the stage area. There was also a stand with cute maids selling food, but we didn’t stop by. At one end was a takoyaki stand. It was nearing noon so we wanted to eat some takoyaki. The line snaked around to the side of the stand and to the back parking area. We must have been in line for almost an hour to get our takoyaki. But while in line, I met some fellow otaku that were in line behind us. Before this, we were joking around about how easily we could point out all the otaku in the Fair. Talking to guys behind us helped shorten the time in line. We must’ve discussed things from Full Metal Alchemist to Seitokai Yakuindomo to Final Fantasy. To me, it was interesting how this person was so animated in the discussions.

Takoyaki Line - 45 min wait

After paying our $6.50 to $7 takoyaki and drink, it was difficult finding a place to sit and eat. We wound up eating in the seats in front of the stage–in direct sunlight. Did I mention there was little shade? Apparently, the takoyaki stand was the same one as in Little Tokyo. The takoyaki was a little undercooked, being more soggy inside.

When we finished eating, were walked around the other side toward the entrance. Not much to see, more food and product stands. The game stands were down along the center. I, or maybe all of us, assumed that there were going to be more stands selling anime goods, but there were not. There was a couple…the usual plush toys, Hello Kitty, etc. As we walked more, there was Kotobukiya stand selling some anime figures. Well, mostly Marvell-style figures and a few books.

Finally we made to what little shade there was. So cooling down a bit, we went into the Akira Kurosawa Museum. It was cool to see come all his artwork, movie posters and his connection to Hollywood. After this, it was back to shade. We eventually walked another round, stopping to see the sumi-e artist on stage and then finding some one dollar tea drinks. Well worth the dollar.

We were are the shade near the entrance again to cool down. While there, beside us, a little fell due to heat exhaustion. The police came by to render first aid. The first aid crew were notified and came by with ice and ice water to cool down the girl. The girl was ok and luckily nothing much more serious occurred.

AniMaid Cafe Show

The Maid Show was about to come up and we went to see it. Richard stayed behind to cool down more. At the stage, in the mid-day sun, the Maid Show began. Aside from the eye candy, it all wasn’t that great. Only the cute girls were worth the standing up and watching in the heat. Good thing it wasn’t too long. Lawrence got sunburned. So after buying more dollar tea drinks to cool down, we went back to meet with Richard and left. We couldn’t take the heat anymore. It was time to go. Now, if it wasn’t for the extreme heat, we would’ve stayed for the 4 o’clock cosplay show and the 5 o’clock Maid Show again. There much more to enjoy, but anyway...

On the way back, we stopped at Fry’s Electronics, ate at Carl’s and stayed at my house to cool down and relax. All in all, the extreme heat killed the day for us. Maybe next year, it'll be cooler. We will see.
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70th Annual Nisei Week Japanese Festival 
Saturday, August 14, 2010, 03:27 - Travel
Posted by Star Ocean

For starters, this was a trip that was not supposed to be. A couple weeks ago, I looked into the idea of going to the festival. For many, many years now, I have always wanted to go to the festiva, but never had the chancel. It sounded good and everyone agreed. In addition, we were to take the Metrorail there. Little Tokyo was just across the freeway from Union Station, so it would’ve been an easy day trip. No fuss, no hassles. Well, maybe on a timetable. Anyway, it was a good, easy and executable plan. Wrong. Due to everyone’s individual circumstances and price for a roundtrip train ticket, Lawrence and I were the only ones that car. Even the decision to go was questionable. “But screw it! Let’s go anyway.”

We were about to leave at nine this morning, but it was good that we left earlier. It was smooth trip to LA. No problems with parking. But we were early. Good thing we were because with all the people that showed up later in the day, there was no parking left.

Since nothing started until 11, we decided to get coffee first. We walked through the community center area were all vendors were setting up shop. Actually we were looking for a Starbucks after someone walked by carrying their coffee, but we decided on a café in Weller Court. It’s funny, the café turned out to be the one were we usually buy drinks. I still can’t remember the name...oh yeah, it’s “Senka Café.” So we killed time there and drank coffee. Well, I’m the one that only did.

So after a long while, we went to Kinokuniya Bookstore to browse around. I was on a mission to buy some back issues of “Newtype Magazine” because my subscribing service screwed up. I couldn’t go here the last time we were in LA because of a “sake” issue where we had to kill time. I only found one that I needed, so I guess I have to try to order then from Japan myself. But I did buy a couple more things. On the way out of the store, we came across some t-shirts. It was tempting, but I backed off on it. Lawrence got one though. Well chilled a bit outside the store. We noticed that the store was setting up stands outside. They’re having a sale. Miscellaneous stuff and magazine back issues for a buck. One drawback started at 11. It was about 10:45. So we had to wait for it. We didn’t wait though.

Instead, we decided to to check out the auto show. On the way there, we walked by Anime Jungle. It was still closed. So we continued through Japanese Village Plaza. We noticed random cosplayers showing up. Actually, they started showing up at Weller Court earlier. There were already a lot of people in the plaza, as well as a lot of vendors setting shop outside. There were shops that were open that we usually don’t see when we visited in the past. About this time of the morning was synonymous to a “normal” Saturday back in it’s heyday, during the 80s. So I could only imagine how it was during the Nisei Festival back then. When we reached the other side of the plaza, where the tower is, I accidentally came across my buddy Patrick under the tower. It was totally a coincidence. He was cosplaying as shinsengumi, a samurai police force from the Meiji era. So we were catching up on things since we didn’t have chance to talk back in Anime LA. I didn’t see him at Expo, but he was there.

When all is said and done, we didn’t go to the car show after all. It was where it was and wasn’t going anywhere. So we went to the Japanese Museum area to check things out. They were having the Tanabata Festival, a festival usually celebrated on July 7th to celebrate the meeting of Orihime and Hikoboshi. I’m not sure what the name of those hanging decoration were, but they were beautiful. On the way out, we skipped the car show again and went back to Kinokuniya to check out their sale. We kind’a missed out. Most of the magazines we wanted were already bought. Bummer. But we still got some good old mags for a buck each.

Now it was time to check out the car show. After stashing our loot in the car, we proceeded to the car show. But before that, we checked out the stuff at the community center area. All the stands were all now up and running. A lot more people and there were stage shows going on. There was a Sumo demonstration that was about to begin, but we passed on it. I found the this stand about the rail system that was going to be constructed, from LA to SF. I talked to them a bit and told them how I voted for the measure. They were cool to talk to. I even got interviewed on my thoughts about the matter.

Japanese Village Plaza was totally packed by this time. So many people in a smaller that usual space. Well, what can I say about the car show. It was awesome. It was the kind of car show I’d like to go to. It’s nothing like the LA Auto Show. The Show Off Car Show, which I didn’t know, showcased fixed-up imports. Now that’s what I want to see. Sure I like the other auto shows, but I liked this one better. And there were hot chicks there, too. Hell, what else can you ask for? Right? “More hot chicks!” There were plenty enough around the festival though. One other thing though. I totally regret not taking my camera with me. I had to use my cell phone camera to take the pictures. And it was already running out of juice.

It’s midday now and it’s getting really hot on the black top. Time to eat a late lunch. Earlier that day, Lawrence and I already decided to eat curry at the Curry House. We’ve already had Orochon ramen back during Expo and usually eat curry at the Rowland Heights restaurant, so it’s time to try this place. But on the why to Weller and through the plaza, we finally stopped at Anime Jungle. Again there was a lot of stuff we wanted to get but can’t or not willing to get. One thing though, it was packed! A lot more than usual. Wall-to-wall otaku and non-otaku. LOL, so easy to tell them apart!

When we arrived at the Curry House, there was already a bunch of people in line. Actually a long list of people were waiting to get in an eat. There was about a 25-minute wait. I put my name down. In the meantime, I went downstairs to Senka Café (again) to get a drink because of the long wait and it really hot now. Oooo, finally, a nice cool drink to cool down on a blistering hot downtown day. So Lawrence followed suit. After several minutes of waiting inside the restaurant after our drinks, we finally got to eat. Finally, some real food. At the end of lunch Lawrence got a curry pan to go.

After the satisfying lunch, we wandered around the plaza. We pretty much accomplished what we set out to do. There was one place I wanted to visit. It’s a snack place that I saw on the Food Network where they made Japanese snacks. This time I really forgot the name of the place. I know where it is because we went there before, but I haven’t tried their food. What I wanted was takoyaki (grilled octopus balls, no pun intended), but they ran out. I was told by the vendor that more are being prepared. We waited a little and I finally got it. We sat down to eat...again. I had my takoyaki and Lawrence had his curry pan. In the meantime, Pat came by and hanged around for a bit. When we finished eating, Pat went off.

We then decided to check out Anime Jungle #2, an extension of the other store. Here, they sold manga, videos, models, CDs and goth loli-related items. While the other store sold figures and other miscellaneous stuff. We picked up a few more things here. So after shopping, we bought some drinks back at the plaza and wandered around again. It was already about three so we we decided to head out.

One more round around the village. While walking, I finally figured out what that “grilled” smell we kept smelling all day. At first I thought it was grilled fish, but it turned out to be grilled squid. I always wanted to try it, so I did. For three bucks, it was worth it. It was more like a six dollar snack. Delicious. After the snack, we walked around the other side of the plaza and found the Starbucks we were looking for that morning. So we’re off. Our original plan was to stop over at Frank’s because it was Saturday and at Sam Ash to get more thumb picks. We were too tired, so we skipped that plan. All in all, today was a well worth trip.
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