Summary: Heroes of Might and Magic II is a fantasy turn-based strategy game that takes place in the land of Enroth, a place of magic. There is a multitude of creature types, from griffins to rocs, golems to pikemen, unicorns to hydras, and four different dragons. Each castle type has six different creatures, from the weak to the strong. There are six castle types, each corresponding to a hero class: Knight, Sorceress, Wizard (Good side), Barbarian, Necromancer, and Warlock (Evil side). There are also six different types of neutral creatures you can recruit in special structures scattered about the maps.
Compared to the first game, this sequel has larger and more interactive combat screens. The spell system is now based on spell points instead of spell memorization.
The maps themselves range from small two-player maps to huge maps that all six player types could fit in easily. There is a map maker included, and you can multiplay via hot-seat, modem, or IP.
An expansion pack, The Price of Loyalty, was released in 1997. Later, 3DO bundled Heroes II and its expansion pack in one box, released as Heroes of Might and Magic II Gold 1998.
Heroes II added the Necromancer and Wizard factions, joining the Knight, Barbarian, Sorceress, and Warlock from the first game.
Heroes II introduced several new features that have since become standard for the series. First among them is the ability for heroes to gain special abilities. Each hero can possess up to eight different secondary skills out of fourteen available. Once gained, a skill can be developed from Basic to Advanced and Expert levels. For example, the Wisdom skill allows a hero to learn spells of level 3 and higher, while the Logistics skill increases the hero's movement ability over land. In Heroes I, heroes had a single fixed special ability according to their class.
The magic system was changed in Heroes II. Heroes I had used a memorization system in which each spell could be cast a certain number of times before being exhausted. Heroes II uses a magic point system that allows the player to apportion spell use as needed, while the varying point cost of different spells maintains balance. Heroes of Might and Magic 2 The Price of Loyalty Free Download.
Another major feature introduced in Heroes II is the ability to upgrade units, granting them improved statistics and, in some cases, important abilities. For example, upgrading Vampires to Vampire Lords enables them to absorb health and even to resurrect units. |